Aside from Donald Trump’s false news argument forcing US President Barack Obama to prove he was born in the US, Trump has strong views important to the economy and security of the United States of America as well as the world at large.
In general, it is a custom or an American tradition each president should have a doctrine to be remembered by; a major policy initiative or belief structure, which may be carried forward by consecutive leaders i.e. key goals and attitudes.
It’s obvious, Donald Trump has revealed certain beliefs long before he has had the opportunity to be elected leader of the GOP, or president of the United States. This is a good thing, after all, both delegates and voters should know whom they are voting for and what a candidate’s core values are in the way of political policy before the person is elected.
Much can change after an election, but the fundamental principles or ideas behind a doctrine generally remain the same. For example, the “Reagan Doctrine” named after the late Conservative president Ronald Reagan, is described clearly by Robert Kagan in his book, “A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua:”
The "Reagan Doctrine," as it was dubbed by columnist Charles Krauthammer in 1985, was a sweeping application of American political philosophy and morality to the conduct of international affairs. It denied the fundamental legitimacy of all communist governments, and by implication all non-democratic governments, declared them to be essentially transient, affirmed the right of democratic movements to challenge them, and proclaimed the right, even the responsibility, of the United States to provide assistance to those movements. Reagan was thinking primarily about communist governments, but Secretary Shultz took the doctrine to its logical conclusion and declared that "as a matter of fundamental principle, the United States supports human rights and peaceful democratic change throughout the world, including in non-Communist, pro-Western countries."
When it comes to US domestic policy, Trump hasn’t said much, but you can believe he is a capitalist far to the right of most Americans, yet not as far right as the totalitarian capitalists of communist China. Trump has strong views on US foreign policy concerning, China, OPEC, and how America speaks to its friends and enemies. Trump believes America is not respected in the world today and that a stronger voice is needed. He refers directly to Ronald Reagan as someone who was respected in the world as a global leader. And even though Trump declares himself a Republican, he believes George W. Bush was a “horrible president and absolutely atrocious.”
According to Trump, President Obama has not taken American foreign or domestic policy to the level it should be. He thinks times are as bad as they were when Jimmy Carter was president of the US, with threats from Iran. The Trump Doctrine focuses on respect for America, and in my view, this is where his ideology will reach across the political spectrum.
Even though Trump testifies he is a “hawk” when it comes to foreign policy, he freely admits America should not have gone into Iraq, and believes American troops will not leave Iraq anytime soon.
When it comes to China, Trump says, “They’re eating our lunch.” He would charge a 25 percent tariff on all imported goods from China to pay down the national debt. He complains American makes better products than China, but because of how China manipulates its currency the Yuan, it is difficult for any one nation to compete.
When it comes to oil, Trump challenges OPEC by calling the organization of twelve petroleum states an illegal and unfair monopoly, and would withdraw American military protection from the Middle East if oil producing Arab nations do not stop inflating the price of oil. According to Trump, anything over US$40 a barrel severely hurts the US economy. Trump says America needs to get smarter and tougher when dealing in trade with other countries, specifically China, Korea, and India, because right now the smart business people in the world are laughing at America.
Furthermore, Trump is adamant about the economy and believes if the price of oil continues to rise, and the US dollar continues to fall, a rise in food prices will follow and this will cause a crisis in the economy. The greatest threat to America, Trump says, is the loss of American jobs to the developing world.
In my view, Donald Trump is a serious contender for the leadership of the GOP, and if successful, will prove to be a major challenger to now President Barack Obama in 2012. Indeed, the Trump Doctrine is in its infancy, but certain policy ideas and objectives, foreign and domestic—are beginning to take shape.
Aside from the Obama birth certificate fiasco, because Barack Obama is definitely an American citizen, and recent use of the f-word at a woman’s rally―very un-presidential―Trump is admired and respected wherever he goes in business. He is seen as someone who is not afraid to speak his mind, and clearly has the leadership skills to be president; after all, if a peanut farmer and an actor can become president of the United States, why not a hardnosed real estate maverick like Donald Trump?